City of Portland | BuySpeed - /view/login/login.xhtml
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Part of the Periscope S2G line of platform products. BidSync
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Based on your feedback, we have made some improvements. It still works like before but with a brand new look & experience.

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  • Main Menu Navigation
  • Contracts

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To better serve you we have updated our system.
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Saint John's Bridge in Portland, Oregon

Welcome to City of Portland | BuySpeed

Vendor Technical Support

For technical support, contact

System Outages

Buyspeed occasionally experiences brief outages of outgoing email, during which notices may be delayed or not sent. Vendors are responsible for checking bid records for official updates.

Fraud Hotline

The City Auditor's Office maintains a confidential hotline to provide a way to anonymously report suspected fraud, waste, or misuse of City resources. Call 1-866-342-4142 or visit
Mount Saint Helens (aka, Loowit) as seen from Rocky Butte in Portland, Oregon